Budget Freeze

Winter is coming.  But more importantly, we are now inside of 4 weeks until Thanksgiving and 8 weeks until Christmas.  These major holdays combined with a couple first birthday parties, are adding up to an expensive finish to 2017.

So this week's adventure is to explore ways to keep the budget in check.

Keep the house at a cooler temperature - I have been reading posts from friends pledging to not turn on their heat until November.  The practice of putting on an extra sweater and making sure we are wearing socks/slippers around the house certiainly helps - plus pulling out the blankets for cuddle/ wind-down time in the den before bed makes having a cooler house seem like areat to me.  I am at the opposite extreme with my strict "keep the window air-conditioner units installed through Thanksgiving" policy.  (Trust me, there is nothing worse than baking a bird for 6+ hours and sweating yourself and everyone else out of the kitchen.) 

My husband and I are also examining reoccurring monthly expenses and finding that there are actually a few simple ways to trim back.  For one, cancelling the lawn care service is an easy savings. While we are not depending on them to mow the lawn, the fertilizer treaments are a true luxury that we can go without while we tighten our purse strings. We've already cut the cable TV and we are now looking into

Also, being mindful of wasteful electrical consumption will all assit in lessening the monthly bill. We will employ tactics like unplugging all unnecessary appliances (who knew I had so many extra alarm clocks working in the house!), keeping lights in the house to a minimum, and better observing the "Wait 'till 8[pm]" rule on using the major household appliances.

We'll see how these few minor tweaks will assist us in managing our costs through the final two months of 2017!


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